To encourage graduating seniors to pursue their vocation as part of following Jesus, we offer scholarships for higher education,
whether that is college, trade school, beauty school, or some other training. Interested students should print, complete, and submit applications to the church office (attn: Josh).
whether that is college, trade school, beauty school, or some other training. Interested students should print, complete, and submit applications to the church office (attn: Josh).
Graduating seniors are eligible to apply for this one-time scholarship (non-renewable). Church membership is not required, but the student must be an active participant of the SBC ministries (SS, choir, praise band, youth ministry, etc). We require documented proof of enrollment. Financial hardship will be taken into consideration. The Youth Committee Chair, Sunday School Director, and NextGen Pastor make up the team that considers each applications and awards the scholarship.
This renewable scholarship is available for college students pursuing music as either a major or minor. The Music Committee considers each application and awards the scholarship.
Smithfield Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV). The BGAV is committed to the educational and vocational development of emerging leaders of all ages for advancing the Redeemer’s Kingdom and to building ongoing relationships. The BGAV Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds financially assists eligible Virginia Baptist students seeking to earn an academy degree at a BGAV-partnered academy, to obtain an undergraduate degree, and to pursue an undergraduate or graduate education in preparation for vocational ministry. Funds are also supplied for non-degree applicants who desire access to training and continuing education opportunities for ministry development as well as grants for those who want to explore Christian ministry prior to seminary training. The BGAV Scholarships and Ministerial Education Funds Committee oversees these funds and makes awards to Virginia Baptist students who meet all established criteria.